Cover me when I run Cover me through the fire Something knocked me out the trees, now I’m on my knees Cover me, darling please
Monkey, monkey, monkey Don’t you know you’re going to shock the monkey? Hey, hey
Fox the fox, rat on the rat You can ape the ape, I know about that There is one thing you must be sure of I can’t take anymore Darling, don’t you monkey with the monkey Hey, hey
Monkey, monkey, monkey Don’t you know you’re going to shock the monkey? Hey, hey Shock the monkey Hey, hey, yeah
Monkey Wheels keep turning A monkey Something’s burning Monkey Don’t like it but I guess I’m learning Shock, shock, shock Watch the monkey get hurt, monkey Shock, shock, shock Watch the monkey get hurt, monkey
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Cover me when I sleep Cover me when I breathe You throw your pearls before the swine, make the monkey blind Cover me, darling please
Hey, hey Monkey, monkey, monkey Don’t you know you’re going to shock the monkey? Hey, hey Shock the monkey Hey, hey, yeah
Monkey Too much at stake A monkey Ground beneath me shake Monkey And the news is breaking Shock, shock, shock Watch the monkey get hurt, monkey Shock, shock, shock Watch the monkey get hurt, monkey
Shock the monkey Shock the monkey Shock the monkey, hey, hey Shock the monkey Shock the monkey to life Shock the monkey to life Shock the monkey to life Shock the monkey to life Shock the monkey to life Shock the monkey to life Shock the monkey to life Shock the monkey to life Shock the monkey to life Shock the monkey to life Shock the monkey (Shock the monkey) Shock the monkey (Shock the monkey) Shock the monkey (Shock the monkey) Shock the monkey (Shock the monkey) Shock the monkey (Shock the monkey) Shock the monkey (Shock the monkey) Shock the monkey Shock the monkey to life
I’m on my way, I’m making it I’ve got to make it show, yeah So much larger than life I’m going to watch it growing
The place where I come from is a small town They think so small, they use small words But not me – I’m smarter than that, I worked it out I’ve been stretching my mouth To let those big words come right out I’ve had enough, I’m getting out To the city, the big, big city I’ll be a big noise with all the big boys So much stuff I will own
And I will pray to a big god As I kneel in the big church
(Big time) I’m on my way, I’m making it (Big time) (Big time) I’ve got to make it show, yeah (Big time) (Big time) So much larger than life (Big time) I’m going to watch it growing (Big time)
My parties have all the big names And I greet them with the widest smile Tell them how my life is one big adventure And always, they’re amazed When I show them round the house, to my bed I had it made like a mountain range With a snow-white pillow for my big fat head
And my heaven will be a big heaven And I will walk through the front door
(Big time) I’m on my way, I’m making it (Big time) (Big time) I’ve got to make it show, yeah (Big time) (Big time) So much larger than life (Big time) I’m going to watch it growing (Big time)
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(Big time) My car’s getting bigger (Big time) My house, getting bigger (Big time) My eyes, getting bigger (Big time) And my mouth (Big time) My belly’s getting bigger (Big time) And my bank account (Big time) Look at my circumstance (Big time) And the bulge in my big, big, big, big, big, big Big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big”
Moving down the fuselage Toward the open door Catch you looking down outside To see what lies ahead One by one You watch them fall Fall through cloud One by one You watch them fall No idea where they’re going But down Where they’ve gone Where they’ve gone Watching as the sun goes down I sit inside this plane Notice how the city lights Are like the nerves inside the brain One by one They’re going out You watch them dim One by one You watch them fall And wonder where they’re falling to
Mojique sees his village from a nearby hill Mojique thinks of days before Americans came He serves the foreigners in growing numbers He sees the foreigners in fancy houses He dreams of days that he can still remember, now Mojique holds a package in his quivering hands Mojique sends the package to the American man Softly he glides along the streets and alleys Up comes the wind that makes them run for cover He feels the time is surely now or never, more
The wind in my heart, the wind in my heart The dust in my head, the dust in my head The wind in my heart, the wind in my heart come to Drive them away, drive them away The wind in my heart, the wind in my heart The dust in my head, the dust in my head The wind in my heart, the wind in my heart come to Drive them away, drive them away
Mojique buys his equipment in the market place Mojique plants devices through the Free Trade Zone He feels the wind is lifting up his people He calls the wind to guide him on his mission He knows his friend, the wind, is always standing… by Mojique smells the wind that comes from far away Mojique waits for news in a quiet place He feels the presence of the wind around him He feels the power of the past behind him He has the knowledge of the wind to guide him on
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The wind in my heart, the wind in my heart The dust in my head, the dust in my head The wind in my heart, the wind in my heart (Come to) Drive them away, drive them away The wind in my heart, the wind in my heart The dust in my head, the dust in my head The wind in my heart, the wind in my heart (Come to) Drive them away
La chanteuse et compositrice irlandaise Sinead O Connor est née le 08 décembre 1966 à Dublin.
Initialement, la chanson a été composée par Prince en 1984. Elle sort sur le disque « The Family » qui ne fut pas un succès. Sinead O’Connor la reprend en 1990 et en permet un succès planétaire.
La chanson problématise le lien qu’entretien le désir avec l’agencement afin de constituer un être au monde.
Depuis que tu m’as repris ton amour,
Je sors tous les soirs et je dors toute la journée
Depuis que tu m’as repris ton amour,
Depuis que tu es parti, je peux faire ce que je veux,
Je peux sortir avec qui je veux,
Je peux diner dans un restaurant grand luxe, mais rien,
J’ai bien dit rien ne peut effacer mon cafard, car rien, rien ne t’égale
Nothing compares 2 U Prince
« Je ne désire jamais quelque chose tout seul. Je désire, bien plus, je ne désire pas un ensemble non plus, je désire dans un ensemble. ( …). Il n’y a pas de désir qui ne coule dans un agencement. Si bien que le désir ça a toujours été pour moi si tu veux, si je cherche le terme abstrait qui correspond à désir, je dirais, c’est constructivisme. Désirer, c’est construire un agencement, c’est construire un ensemble, l’ensemble d’une jupe, d’un rayon de soleil, (Claire Parnet : d’une femme) d’une rue, voilà. L’agencement d’une femme, d’un paysage, (Claire Parnet, d’une couleur), d’une couleur, voilà ce que c’est un désir, c’est donc construire un agencement, c’est construire une région, c’est vraiment agencer. Le désir, c’est vraiment du constructivisme ».
Abécédaire de Gilles Deleuze, D comme Désir. (Cf. Helmut Berger).
L’être là se trouve projeté dans l’angoisse contradictoire à l’amour.
L’entrave à l’expression du désir n’est pas constitutive d’une ouverture mais d’une fermeture à l’émergence du possible annihilant toute construction. Ce qui est donné en potentialité par la rencontre d’ontologies aux différences de potentialités qui sont constitutives d’une différence d’enjeux, se recoupent sur un point ouvrant la perspective. La perspective qui est comprise comme la base du constructivisme.
Ainsi, le constructivisme est une puissance incarnée par le désir dans la rencontre produisant l’expression.
« L’homme comme le créateur est l’objet de « la fortune » qui élève l’homme au sommet et le jette à terre, afin qu’elle en rît et qu’elle en pleure » Machiavel.
De la volonté d’agir à l’action impossible, l’homme se trouve pris au cœur d’une double contrainte impactant la puissance créatrice.
« Je marche à travers le désert,
Et je n’ai pas peur même s’il fait chaud,
J’ai tout ce que je demande
Et je ne veux pas ce que je n’ai pas »
Sorti sur le même album que Nothing compares 2 U, le postulat est diamétralement opposé.
Sinead O’connor constitue un axiome tiré du stoïcisme, limitant le désir à ses modalités d’actions et refusant la fuite effrénée vers l’inassouvi. Ainsi, en comparaison « l’homme qui a l’âme en paix n’est importun ni à lui-même, ni aux autres ».
Loin de la doctrine d’Aristide de Sirène, instigateur de l’hédonisme, Epicure est un stoïcien tirant son référent de la représentation mythologique d’Hercule.
A la différence de celui-ci, il ne s’agit pas d’aller au-devant des situations périlleuses afin d’en assumer la gestion mais plutôt d’établir une retraite afin d’éviter l’expression des désagréments.
Sinead O’connor, à l’image des stoïciens suit une route tracée dans le désert.
Sinead O’connor constitue son album sur le principe d’une invective destinée à constituer un rappel : Je ne dois pas vouloir ce que je n’ai pas.
Le stoïcisme, pour l’artiste, constitue la limitation des possibles à l’expression du produit des rencontres. Loin d’être un écart, il s’agit de constituer un dialogue intersubjectif basé sur la communion des volontés de faire émerger une œuvre.
L’émergence de l’œuvre à travers la rencontre passe le filtre sélectif de l’apparition d’une image possible, impossible ou compossible.
Il s’agit de faire émerger par l’expression de la volonté de puissance, la création comme expression de l’être consécutif d’un monde.
L’œuvre impossible résulte de l’inadéquation avec les modalités de la création.
L’œuvre compossible constitue l’ensemble des possibilités ne trouvant pas d’aboutissement.
L’œuvre possible constitue l’apparition au sens apollinien ou dionysiaque.
Sinead O’connor, a réalisé des collaborations avec nombre d’artistes comme Prince, Roger Waters, Elton John, Peter Gabriel, Richard Wright, Broken China, Massive Attack, Sly Dunbar, Robbie Shakespeare.
Les appels téléphoniques
Me laissent toujours incertain,
Les choses ne sont jamais dites de leur plein gré
Je suis préoccupé
Je ne peux pas les faire sortir de mon esprit
Et si vous me disiez saute dans la rivière
Je le voudrais
Parce que ce serait vraisemblablement une bonne idée.
Sinead O’connor et Marco Pirroni
D’Héraclite à Parménide, le saut ne nous plonge pas dans la même rivière.
Parménide constitue une pensée de l’être de l’unité entrant en contradiction avec Héraclite pour qui le devenir constitue le seul développement de nos potentialités au monde. « On ne se baigne jamais deux fois dans le même fleuve ». Javelot lancé de l’antiquité au XX° siècle, cette exigence a inspiré la pensée de Nietzsche. La nécessité esthétique passe par la communion dans l’apollinien pour la production plastique et dans le dionysiaque en ce qui concerne l’œuvre musicale développée dans la Naissance de la tragédie.
Ce corps à corps de l’artiste au spectateur prend l’art en interface comme la constitution d’une rencontre transcendant jusqu’à l’acmé.
« L’animation du corps n’est pas l’assemblage l’une contre l’autre – ni d’ailleurs la descente dans l’automate d’un esprit venu d’ailleurs, ce qui supposerait encore que le corps lui-même est sans dedans et sans « soi ». Un corps humain est là quand, entre voyant et visible, entre touchant et touché, entre un œil et l’autre, entre la main et la main, se fait une sorte de recroisement, quand s’allume l’étincelle du sentant – sensible, quand prend ce feu qui ne cessera pas de brûler, jusqu’à ce que tel accident du corps défasse ce que nul accident n’aurait suffire à faire ».
Merleau-Ponty, l’œil et l’esprit.
L’art est cette aptitude à faire paraître ces éléments hétérogènes qui n’auraient au-delà de son existence, pas de substance. Dans la communion, l’œuvre relève l’indicible de l’être.
I—uh—must go on standing You can’t break that which isn’t yours I—uh—must go on standing I’m not my own, it’s not my choice
La-da-da, da-da-da
Be afraid of the lame They’ll inherit your legs Be afraid of the old They’ll inherit your souls Be afraid of the cold They’ll inherit your blood Après moi, le déluge After me comes the flood
I—uh—must go on standing You can’t break that which isn’t-isn’t yours-yours I—uh—must go on standing I’m not my own, it’s not my choice
Be afraid of the lame They’ll inherit your legs Be afraid of the old They’ll inherit your souls Be afraid of the cold They’ll inherit your blood Après moi, le déluge After me comes the flood
Be afraid of the lame They’ll inherit your legs Be afraid of the old They’ll inherit your souls Be afraid of the cold They’ll inherit your blood Après moi, le déluge After me the flood
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Be afraid of the lame They’ll inherit your legs Be afraid of the old They’ll inherit your souls Be afraid of the cold They’ll inherit your blood Après moi, le déluge After me comes the flood …the flood
Six by six, from wall to wall Shutters on the windows, no light at all Damp on the floor you got damp in the bed They’re trying to get you crazy get you out of your head They feed you scraps and they feed you lies To lower your defenses, no compromise There’s nothing you can do, the day can be long You mind is working overtime, your body’s not too strong
Hold on, hold on, hold on, Hold on, hold on, hold on
They put you in a box so you can’t get heard Let your spirit stay unbroken, may you not be deterred Hold on, you have gambled with your own life You faced the night alone While the builders of the cages Sleep with bullets, bars and stone They do not see the road to freedom That you build with flesh and bone
They take you out the light burns your eyes To the talking room it’s not surprise Loaded questions from clean white coats Their eyes are all as hidden as their Hippocratic Oath They tell you how to behave, behave as their guest You want to resist them, you do your best They take you to your limits, they take you beyond For all that they are doing there’s no way to respond
Hold on, hold on They put you in a box so you can’t get heard Let your spirit stay unbroken, may you not be deterred Hold on, you have gambled with your own life You face the night alone While the builders of the cages Sleep with bullets, bars and stone They do not see the road to freedom That you build with flesh and bone
Though you may disappear, you’re not forgotten here And I will say to you, I will do what I can do
You may disappear, you’re not forgotten here And I will say you you, I will do what I can do And I will do what I can do I will do what I can do
Walking the street with her naked feet So full of rhythm, but I can’t find the beat Snapping her heels, clicking her toes Everybody knows just where she goes
Fear, fear, she’s the mother of violence Making me tense to watch the way she breed Fear, she’s the mother of violence You know self-defense is all you need It’s getting hard to breathe It’s getting so hard to believe To believe in anything at all
Mouth all dry, eyes bloodshot Data stored on a microdot Kicking the cloud with my moccasin shoes TV dinner, TV news
‘Cause fear, fear, she’s the mother of violence Don’t make any sense to watch the way she breed Fear, she’s the mother of violence Making me tense to watch the way she feed The only way you know she’s there Is the subtle flavor in the air Getting hard to breathe Getting hard to believe in anything at all But fear
From the pain come the dream From the dream come the vision From the vision come the people And from the people come the power From this power come the change
It was only one hour ago It was all so different then Nothing yet has really sunk in Looks like it always did This flesh and bone It’s just the way that we had tied in Now there’s no-one home
I grieve for you You leave me So hard to move on Still loving what’s gone They say life carries on Carries on and on and on and on
The news that truly shocks is the empty, empty page While the final rattle rocks its empty, empty cage And I can’t handle this
I grieve for you You leave me Let it out and move on Missing what’s gone They say life carries on They say life carries on and on and on
Life carries on In the people I meet In everyone that’s out on the street In all the dogs and cats In the flies and rats In the rot and the rust In the ashes and the dust Life carries on and on and on and on Life carries on and on and on
It’s just the car that we ride in A home we reside in The face that we hide in The way we are tied in As life carries on and on and on and on Life carries on and on and on You might also like
Did I dream this belief? Or did I believe this dream? Now I can find relief I grieve
I woke up and the world outside was dark All so quiet before the dawn Opened up the door and walked outside The ground was cold I walked until I couldn’t walk anymore To a place I’d never been There was something stirring in the air In front of me, I could see
More than this More than this So much more than this There is something else there When all that you had has all gone And more than this I stand Feeling so connected And I’m all there Right next to you
It started when I saw the ship go down I saw them struggle in the sea And suddenly the picture disappears In front of me Now we’re busy making all our busy plans On foundations built to last But nothing fades as fast as the future And nothing clings like the past, until we can see
More than this More than this So much more than this There is something out there More than this It’s coming through And more than this I stand alone and so connected And I’m all there Right next to you
Oh then it’s alright When with every day another bit falls away Oh but it’s still alright, alright, alright And like words together we can make some sense Much more than this Way beyond imagination Much more than this Beyond the stars With my head so full So full of fractured pictures And I’m all there Right next to you So much more than this There is something else there When all that you had has all gone And more than this I’m alone Feeling so connected And I’m all there right next to you You might also like Signal to Noise Peter Gabriel My Head Sounds Like That Peter Gabriel Sledgehammer Peter Gabriel