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Xavier-Aurélien Racine, 16/11/2022

Six by six, from wall to wall
Shutters on the windows, no light at all
Damp on the floor you got damp in the bed
They’re trying to get you crazy get you out of your head
They feed you scraps and they feed you lies
To lower your defenses, no compromise
There’s nothing you can do, the day can be long
You mind is working overtime, your body’s not too strong

Hold on, hold on, hold on,
Hold on, hold on, hold on

They put you in a box so you can’t get heard
Let your spirit stay unbroken, may you not be deterred
Hold on, you have gambled with your own life
You faced the night alone
While the builders of the cages
Sleep with bullets, bars and stone
They do not see the road to freedom
That you build with flesh and bone

They take you out the light burns your eyes
To the talking room it’s not surprise
Loaded questions from clean white coats
Their eyes are all as hidden as their Hippocratic Oath
They tell you how to behave, behave as their guest
You want to resist them, you do your best
They take you to your limits, they take you beyond
For all that they are doing there’s no way to respond

Hold on, hold on
They put you in a box so you can’t get heard
Let your spirit stay unbroken, may you not be deterred
Hold on, you have gambled with your own life
You face the night alone
While the builders of the cages
Sleep with bullets, bars and stone
They do not see the road to freedom
That you build with flesh and bone

Though you may disappear, you’re not forgotten here
And I will say to you, I will do what I can do

You may disappear, you’re not forgotten here
And I will say you you, I will do what I can do
And I will do what I can do
I will do what I can do

Peter Gabriel

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Xavier-Aurélien Racine (22 novembre 2022). Image à dessein. Apollon en scaphandre intergalactique. Consulté le 15 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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