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Signal To Noise

Xavier-Aurélien Racine, Signal To Noise

You know the way that things go
When what you fight for starts to fall
And in that fuzzy picture
The writing stands out on the wall
So clearly on the wall

Send out the signals deep and loud

And in this place, can you reassure me
With a touch, a smile – while the cradle’s burning
All the while the world is turning to noise
Oh the more that it’s surrounding us
The more that it destroys
Turn up the signal
Wipe out the noise

Send out the signal deep and loud

Man I’m losing sound and sight
Of all those who can tell me wrong from right
When all things beautiful and bright
Sink in the night
Yet there’s still something in my heart
That can find a way
To make a start
To turn up the signal
Wipe out the noise

Signal To Noise, Peter Gabriel 2002

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Xavier-Aurélien Racine (1 mars 2022). Image à dessein. Apollon en scaphandre intergalactique. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse

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