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Animal Nation

Xavier-Aurélien Racine , 01/06/2022

I didn’t meet you in the jungle
Swinging from a tree
I sat down at the piano
You were playing with me
I couldn’t believe all the things you could do

The apes I’ve seen were in the zoo

They say we are unique with this language that we speak
But you have proved them wrong
Skinner and Chomsky, how could they be so blind
With evidence this strong?

Intelligent life is all around us
Intelligent life is all around us

When you watch King Kong or The Planet of the Apes
Upon your video screen
When the animals die, tears fill your eye
And you question what you’ve seen

Intelligent life is all around us

Intelligent life is all around us

Hey, bonobo woman
Hey, bonobo man
Look in your eyes
That’s where I come from

Hey, bonobo woman
Hey, bonobo man
Talk to me now
I am listening

You can search the internet
You can use your video phone
To call another friend
If we gave you all the tools
You can do whatever you want
Who knows when this will end

Intelligent life is all around us

Hey, bonobo woman
Hey, bonobo man
Look in your eyes
That’s where I come from

Hey, bonobo woman
Hey, bonobo man
Talk to me now
I am listening

Hey, bonobo woman
Hey, bonobo man
Look in your eyes
That’s where we come from

Hey, bonobo woman
Hey, bonobo man
Talk to us now
We are listening

Bonobo calling me now x12

Starting to hear the things you’ve said
Getting to know what’s going on in your head
There’s no humans on the line
But there’ll be plenty more there in good time
Dolphins, cats, and elephants
This is not some wild romance
Just look in their eyes and say it’s not true
Look in their eyes, they’re checking out you

Communication with the Animal Nation
We are in communication with the Animal Nation x20

Peter Gabriel

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Xavier-Aurélien Racine (7 juin 2022). Image à dessein. Apollon en scaphandre intergalactique. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse

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